We’ve been working behind the scenes for the past few months, poring over every last detail, overhauling our website to best serve you, the customer. Just like the next cruise you book or boat you want to rent, we’re ecstatic to be launching this incarnation of CapitalCruises.com.
Throughout the brand new site, you’ll find a more dynamic presentation of all of the information you might need. Our landing page has been massively improved to route you to wherever you might want to go while presenting a much more exciting vision of the experience you will have when choosing Capital Cruises for your next event, small or large.

We’ve also undertaken a painstaking, site-wide refresh of virtually every photo to give you the most comprehensive and up-to-date vision of the myriad options Capital Cruises has to offer you for your prospective Rehearsal Dinner or Office Holiday Party, so you don’t have to try nearly as hard to visualize what your cruise might be like.
So please, look around, as the new site best reflects the Ultimate Austin Experience. We hope you enjoy it!
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